Author Archives: kallie


January 6, 2016

Here are some of my favorite links this first week of the New Year, January 6, 2016.

1. I think I was the last person on earth to convert to CDs and now these are making a come back!

2.  These women are bad a$$.

3.  Have you seen Star Wars yet?  Who do you think is her father?

4.  How much sleep do you get?

5.  Greek skies 🙂

6.  Let’s make our life SIMPLER this year.

7.  For my friend who loves kale and more kale.

8.  For the love of music.

9.  “Do you feel lucky, punk?” No sir, I just cultivate serendipity.



Happy New Year!!!

January 4, 2016

Happy 2016 everyone!

How was New Year’s Eve?  What did you do?  Me?  I spent it with friends.

Jeff and I decided a long time ago to not go out on New Year’s Eve, aka “amateur night”.  So our plan was to have a great dinner at home and ring in the New Year ourselves.  And then, one day a friend asked what we were doing. And I said, “come over.” And then another, and another.  And so now for a few years running, our friends don’t even ask what we’re doing. They ask, what are you making us for New Year’s Eve and we LOVE it.  It’s a “thing” now.  The New Year’s Eve crew.

So this year, we had some old friends and some new friends and even one from overseas.  Italy in fact, my favorite place.

So I planned to put together an awesome charcuterie plate, make some holiday cocktails and to make a roast pork shoulder with porchetta flavorings.


I went to my local salumeria, Tête Charcuterie and they put together an amazing meat and cheese platter for me.  We had salami and proscuitto and finochionna and sopprasata.  And pickles and mustards with cheddar and blue cheese and brie oh my!

But then my friend who lives in Rome, brought her boyfriend, who is a true Italian.  Well he brought salami from the motherland, that his uncle made.  How great is that?  One had finer little lardos of fat in it and the other was made from liver and they were both divine!  Total salumi overload.  Add the wine.

In the meantime, I had a Slagel Farms pork shoulder in the oven which I slathered the night before with generous doses of fennel fronds, sage and rosemary, garlic, red pepper flakes, salt and pepper and olive oil.  Like this:

And like this:

And it turned out like this!  

And this!

Amaze balls yeah?  Well, it took FOREVAAAHH to slow roast this pork shoulder. It was so slow that we ended up popping champagne and ringing in the New Year first and then we sat down to eat!  I am not sure what this says about how the year will go, but it turned out all right.

Yeah, so when the pork finally came out of the oven “to cool”, 3 very (im)patient Greeks and one Italian hovered over it picking off pieces of crackling, melt in your mouth fat and tender pull apart meat and gnawed on the bones that just fell off.  There was a solid 15 minute primal frenzy on this pork from our Mediterranean tribe. When we finally came up for air, I made salad and looked for everyone else.

A little side note here. When people tell me they have food preferences or dietary restrictions, I totally understand and I’m happy to accommodate. After all, I prefer to keep gluten free.  I get it.  Our new guests were a couple that were friends of Jeff’s.  And I was told, and I quote “she doesn’t eat red meat.”

No problem.  What I didn’t realize is that meant no meat AT ALL!!! That’s where things got very…My Big Fat Greek Wedding.  “You don’t eat no meat? I’ll make lamb.”  Or in my case pork, with a side of salami, and prosciutto and country pâté!  Isn’t pork the other white meat? Sweet Jesus, what she must think of me.  Here honey, have another cocktail.  I’m so embarrassed.

Oh! And the best part, her boyfriend who I have known for over 20 years suddenly didn’t eat meat either.  Since when??? Since that night, in solidarity. Ah, love.

I asked Jeff about this whole no meat situation as he was just as surprised. Apparently, when his friend told him that his girlfriend didn’t eat red meat it was while they were eating a sausage pizza!!!

Yes, so they ate the bitter greens salad I made.  Probably bitterly. Argh!  Epic fail on my part.

Finally, it was time to cut the Vasilopita and see who gets the lucky coin.  Now if you read this post here, you know all about the power of the coin and why everyone wants it.  And let me tell you, Jeff wants it.  He can feel the energy of the coin.  He was anxious and we carefully and slowly cut and handed out the pieces in the correct order and then, the winner was…drumroll please:

Our new Italian friend!  Sorry Jeff, there’s always next year!

Anyway, we all had a good time.  And laughs. And we all learned some valuable lessons that we will all carry into the New Year:

1. Patience is a virtue (especially when cooking large hunks of meat and looking for magic coins.)

2. When a small crisis occurs, have a sense of humor…and serve alcohol (just kidding, not really.  Okay, yes, I’m kidding.)

3.  When something seems to be taking longer than expected, don’t worry.  Have faith that in the end it will always turn out perfectly ok. (And then relish it with primal ferocity…LOL)

Have a great New Year everyone!

Next week I will have a special new series for you…stay tuned.



See those cocktails up there? You can find that recipe here.

May the Coin Be With You.

December 29, 2015


A Jedi’s strength flows from the Force. But beware of the dark side.” –Yoda to Luke

“Oh boy,” I know you are thinking, “Where is she going with this one?”

“I got the coin, I got the coin!”  This phrase is uttered countless of times as over 10 million Greeks in a galaxy far, far away dig into the piece of Vasilopita (St. Basil’s Cake) that had been allocated to them in search of that ever-elulsive coin.  What coin is this might you ask?  Let me tell you, it’s harder to locate than Luke Skywalker in the Force Awakens.

No maps either.

Every year, Greeks bake a sweet cake, scented with orange and cinnamon and drop a coin into it while it bakes.  It’s carefully cut into pieces and passed out to everyone at New Year’s dinner.  The young jedi knight, I mean, the person who finds the coin in their piece of cake will find that the force will be strong with them in the coming year.

Well, the sound of that we like, do we not?  Sorry, got all Yoda on you.  So you are not so sure you believe in the power of the coin?  Let me explain further.

  • 1967 my father won the coin and he came to America.
  • 1969 my mother won the coin and got engaged.
  • 1999 I won the coin and bought my first car with gains made in stock market (true story, dotcom boom)
  • 2012 I won the coin again and got married.
  • 2013 my friend T. won the coin and got a new job.  That she loves!  How about that?
  • 2014 my friend D. wrote a song and now a famous Latin American soccer player wants to produce it.  I am so putting that on my blog when it’s out there!

Do you doubt the power of the coin now?

So how does the dark side play into this you may be asking?

If you are privileged enough to win the coin’s favor, you must never lose or spend said coin.  Or not so nice things will occur.  I’m not saying Darth Vader will be after you, but something close.  Take for instance my cousin George.  Sorry man, I have to call you out.  My cousin George had been winning the coin 7 years straight.  He was Jedi Master of the Vasilopita coin.  But then, the dark side.  He was foolish enough to carry his precious coins everywhere he went.  And one day he got stuck a the train station, in the days before cell phones.  What?  Yes!  You know where this is story is going.  He used his coins to call his mom for a ride.  Well, let’s just say that his life has taken an interesting turn.  He might as well live on the planet Jakku.  And he also has never won the coin again.  You must not take the coin’s powers lightly.

Anyway, before I get to the reason you are here.  The recipe.  (I have had many requests to publish this early).  I will leave you with this small bit of nostalgia from my childhood.

There is winning, and then there’s really winning…

I remember New Year’s Eve 1985, my parents and I went to my great-aunt Vicki’s house to ring in the New Year by playing poker and eating, two classic Greek pastimes.  It was also her name’s day and my mom’s, Vasiliki.  So this first day of the year is extra special to me.

My koubaro made pizza with a Bisquick crust (funny that I can remember that detail).  So there we were.  Pizza.  Beer.  Poker.  I was little, but they needed bodies and there was no discriminating against taking money from a kid, so there I was, learning to play poker along with my aunt and mom.  All I remember is Vicki kept winning.  Over and over again.  She had no idea how to play, but she was “all-in”, every time.  It was quite a run.

And when she won, she would laugh, the best, loudest, most shocked laugh I ever heard.  I wasn’t even bothered by the fact that I was losing because she kept laughing this glorious laugh every time she won a hand.

“Aaah!  Hahahaha!”

It was wildly entertaining considering she was beating my dad, my koubaro and great uncle, the card sharks, the three wise guys, the self-proclaimed poker aficionados.  They were stupefied.  I was enamoured with her, now that’s winning!  The force was strong with her.

Now let’s make cake young Jedis.

-Mistress Kallie 🙂

Vasilopita – St. Basil’s Cake

4 cups flour*

2 cups sugar

6 teaspoons baking powder

1 cup melted butter

1 1/2 cups milk

5 egg yolks

4 egg whites

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1 tablespoon orange rind

1/4 teaspoon cinnamon

2 tablespoons powdered sugar 

Pre-heat oven to 350 F.

Measure and sift all the dry ingredients in a separate bowl. In a stand mixer beat the eggs, milk, vanilla and butter well and then slowly add dry ingredients. Finally add the orange rind. Pour the mixture in a well buttered and floured prepared pan.  Easy peasy.

Hide a clean foiled wrapped coin in the batter before baking.  Bake in oven at 350 for 45-50 minutes checking to see if toothpick comes out clean.

Turn out into a serving plate and top with a dusting of cinammon and powdered sugar.

* If making gluten free, I like to use Jeanne’s Gluten Free Flour Mix from the Art of Gluten Free Baking.  For her mix, 140 grams = 1 cup of gluten free flour


December 23, 2015

Here are a few of my favorite links today, December 23, 2015:
1.  The story behind NORAD’s Santa Tracker 🙂

2.  Experiences not things…think about that for 2016.  Not convinced? Read this.

3.  All roads lead to Rome, my favorite city.

4.  Dreaming about these beaches in Italy today.

5.  I love Sophia Loren, check out her home!

6.  Do we need anymore reasons why Adele is awesome?

7. What do you wish you had learned in college? Me? More Italian.

8.  Okay, yum!

9.  Maybe I will make mussels for New Years…what do you think?

Merry Christmas!

Buon Natale!

Καλα Χριστούγεννα!

Feliz Navidad! (I can sing that all day)

– Kallie